Friday 29 May 2020

Lockdown 4.0 Day 12

There are just 2 days remaining before the Phase 4 of lockdown ends. So far, there is no news about extension or lifting it. I am just worried that any premature decision on lifting the lockdown would give us a 2nd spike of cases and our country may not be able to cope up with it. I hope the infection rates go down. Apart from this, the country has to resolve some border issues with its neighbours and this is also something that needs attention in addition to the virus. If these 2 issues were not enough, there are locust attacks from nowhere that are inflicting different states in the country. I don't think we have heard of any of these issues with the other countries in times like this. Anyway, today was kind of an unproductive day even though I seemed quite busy. Now that Gone with the Wind is behind me, it is time to move on. This time, as per my reading goals, I have selected a book by an Indian writer and it is a non-fiction by a journalist. It is by P. Sainath and the book is Everybody Loves a Good Drought. I hope it is as good as people say it is.

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