Tuesday 1 May 2018


Today, late in the evening, my husband and I decided to go to Jayanagar 4th block just to take a look around. We had heard of a store that sold things designed in Japan called USUPSO and wanted to visit it for a very long time and today just decided to check it out since we were already in the neck of the woods.

The store is not a huge one but sells a lot of things from towels, crockery, fashion jewellery, sunglasses, backpacks, headphones, storage items and of course stationery. Now, I must mention that the things in the shop are designed in Japan but not necessarily manufactured there. Most of the things in the shop were manufactured in China.

If I could, I would have bought the entire store but since I could not, I confined myself to their stationery aisle which had several varieties of felt tip pens, markers and a lot of notebooks. Being fans of stationery, we purchased a whole bunch of notebooks. They were a not too pricy but not inexpensive either. We got a set of 3 notebooks which are slightly smaller than an A5 sized notebooks and 3 set of 2 notebooks of somewhat at A4 size. Each book has about 100-120 pages as per my visual estimation and has off-white coloured pages. The notebooks are somewhat fountain-pen friendly. What I loved about them is the beautiful covers. I loved them all but we restricted ourselves to just 9 notebooks. I hope you love their cover as much as we did. Here is a glimpse of the same.

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