Saturday 13 January 2018

A Week Without Sugar

I am a sweet tooth- one of the biggest you will ever see. As I grow older, I try my best to restrict my sugar intake, especially processed sugar, as much as I can. However, during the 2017 Christmas, New-Years' Eve and New-Years', I went completely out of control and gorged on a lot of sweet treats. I felt quite overdosed on sugar (the processed one of course). I just wanted some extreme measure and considerable will-power to restore normalcy in my eating habits. I decided with a strong heart and an even stronger brain that I would go one week completely without sugar. The only reason is to bring back some discipline and give my body some relief from the unnecessary sugar dumping and processing.

This blog is about my experience of the week without sugar. I would like to clarify that I have not consulted any nutritionist/dietician/doctor before starting this. This plan was completely mine. Please use your discretion if you intend to do something like this and have the necessary consultation in place as needed. 

So, what I included:

  •  Fruits, as they contain natural sugars
  • Other carbohydrates like rice and wheat- according to me, it is vital to not eliminate carbs from one's diet as it is the primary source of energy and plays has an important role of protein sparing action
  • Nuts and all vegetables
  • Dry fruits
  • My daily glass of Bournvita (I know it has sugar but I need it to function)

What I excluded:
  • Mithai of all kinds- including purely dry fruit based ones as they could lead to craving
  • Chocolates- my favourite :-(
  • Sweetened drinks
  • Jaggery
  • Biscuits

My Experience (excerpts from my journal):

Day 1:
We went out as a family to a restaurant where they were serving one of my favourite dessert- Sizzling Brownie with ice-cream and hot chocolate sauce. Someone close to our table ordered it and the aroma of that hot chocolate sauce and the brownie was wafting through the air, teasing my palate. Since it was my Day 1, I was very determined and did not find it difficult to fight off my temptation. I ordered a Fruit Salad. The fruits that were served were so fresh and delicious that I completely forgot about the Brownie.

Day 2:
Sweets that resembled Fig rolls were being served as dessert at lunch at work. They did look yummy but not enough to attract me. After dinner, I did feel having dessert. I thought of having fruits, but we had run out of them so had a few nuts. It satiated me as any dessert would. I think I should be able to survive the next 5 days pretty comfortably. Looking forward to day 3.

Day 3:
Avoiding sugar came pretty easily to me. The only sweet stuff I had was a watermelon after lunch and a banana after dinner. I do not remember craving for sweets today. I did eat a few peanuts today but it was because I was hungry and not because of craving.

Day 4:
Today, I almost forgot about the no-sugar week. I have to keep reminding myself about it. At tea-time this afternoon, biscuits were being served and I picked up a plate of it but immediately realised that it was no-sugar week. It was as if the angel cooed in my ear about it while ensuring the evil was no where near my head space. For dinner, I had a sweetish curry but was told it was sweetened by dates so it was okay.

Day 5:
Absolutely no craving whatsoever. I had Kiwi fruit after dinner. The one I picked was unfortunately quite sour. It left behind a tingling-prickly sensation on my tongue. I ate a few almonds to get rid of the sensation. It did not help as much I hoped it would.

Day 6:
Today went on fine. I had a banana during lunch. I was offered a piece of brownie by a colleague but I was able to politely refuse. I had made it known to some of friends and colleagues and of course my family that I was on a no-sugar diet for a week. I think everyone has been supportive so far.

Day 7:
I have not eaten anything sweet today. I did not even have Bournvita. I might have a banana later today. I did not crave for anything sweet. I do not feel like having anything sweet at all. I have to make an effort to feel like having sweets and still, do not feel like having any.

  • I had a pimple. I do not know if I can attribute it to no-sugar or something else but it happened in this week.
  • No difference in energy levels
  • My mom (who knew nothing about this) felt I have slimmed down a bit but to be honest, I do not see any change.
I intend to eat sweets next week but I really do not feel like having any as of now.

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