Sunday 16 October 2016


I recently participated in a short story writing contest. Though the results have not yet been announced as of now, I kind of know it is not a winner. However, this contest helped me get back to writing a short story after a long time. Below is my entry:

It was about that time of the day when Rose would visit the church. Ricardo waited for her patiently. He made an effort to clean himself up and look presentable. He looked at himself in the mirror several times and made sure he looked neat. He looked forward to Sundays to meet Rose. 

As he waited outside the church, he thought of their first meeting. Rose was with her father at the church and Ricardo was accompanying Chris. Ricardo was very little then. He recalled how beautiful she was- young, vivacious and with a spark in her eyes. She smiled at him pleasantly that day and the thought still warmed his heart. It has been 13 years now. Though Rose has aged gracefully, nothing else changed about her. 

He could now see Rose walking towards the church. She arrived, smiled the familiar heart warming smile, tousled his hair and went inside the church. Ricardo would never enter the church. Chris never encouraged it and though he was no more, Ricardo honoured his wish. He waited patiently outside the church for the service to end. He paced quietly in the churchyard and reminisced the summer time spent at Chris’ estate. He was very little then and frolicked in the vast gardens while Chris and Rose cheered him. Everything seemed to be perfect. Little Ricardo loved Chris and Rose. There was news of their betrothal in the estate. He smiled to himself now and wished nothing had changed. 

Rose emerged from the church after the service and walked towards Ricardo. He could smell her familiar rosy fragrance. She smiled at him again, he reciprocated. “How have you been Richie?”, she said as she tousled his hair again, and coughed. This was their Sunday routine. He always wished that he was not born mute and could respond to her in words. He wanted to know about her cough. She has been coughing for a few months now and it seemed to get worse. All he could do was respond to her with gestures of affection. 

Rose walked back home and Ricardo accompanied her for a short distance but not all the way. He thought it would not be gentlemanly and bade her farewell. As she walked on, Ricardo wished that Chris was amidst them and they could all walk towards the estate. He thought of Rose- How lonely she was! Life had not been easy for her. She was by Chris’ bedside while he succumbed to pneumonia. As she grieved, news arrived that her father, her sole source of support, was no more. Her empty world was soaked in sorrow in a matter of days. She did have Ricardo, but, he was much younger then. She thought he would be cared for better at the estate and sent him away despite his quiet protests. 

Ricardo walked aimlessly all day. Sundays are bitter-sweet, when all those memories come flooding in. He rested under a tree in a park in the estate. His thoughts went back to Rose. He recalled, how she braced life bravely and made some tough decisions. She did not marry anyone. She lived with her maid and when she stepped outside her home, she carried her heart-warming smile. He wished she had not sent him away to the estate. He wished to accompany her everywhere but Rose had been firm. She would meet him only on Sundays outside the church. He respected her decision and looked forward to every Sunday. He waited eagerly for Sunday to arrive. 

It is Sunday again. As always, Ricardo eagerly waits outside the church for Rose to arrive. It is raining heavily. Rain or shine, she is always on time. He admired her for that. He knew by instinct- it was time for her arrival. He could see the church filling up. He waited patiently. He could hear the sermon begin. There was no sign of Rose today. He rushed to Rose’s villa. As he approached the villa, he could hear her violent coughing. He peeped in through a little opening in the window- she looked quite pale. Her maid was trying to comfort her while a doctor looked over. Ricardo wanted to run inside and talk to the doctor. He found his muteness unbearable. He peeped in every now and then. Rose seemed to be falling asleep with intermittent coughing. He left the villa. He worried about her all day. He visited the villa again in the evening. There was silence as he peeped in. Rose seemed peaceful now. Her maid was asleep by her side. Ricardo rested outside the villa and gradually slipped into a deep slumber. 

He woke up startled, to loud wails and rushed inside the villa. Rose was lying peacefully on her bed as she did the evening before.There was no movement from her breathing. She was very still. Her lips parted slightly. There was no colour on her face. He had a sinking feeling that Rose would never wake up again. In a few hours time, Rose was laid to rest in peace. Ricardo walked to the grave carrying a flower between his teeth, placed it on Rose’s grave, wagged his tail, lowered his aged body next to it, watched sadly and whimpered.

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